New Mexico Craft Beer Post

As mentioned in Texas, when settling into a new state it is always exciting to test the local flavors of microbreweries.

After a quick Google search, I noticed that there were 3 breweries in the town we were in.



So one of our first days in town I tried to stop by but they were closed at like 7pm or something. Bummer.

Walmart Beer

The next day we went to Walmart and I thought, maybe they have a couple of New Mexico six packs to try.

That is exactly all they had – two different New Mexico beers to try and that is all.

I was disappointed with the choices but on a positive note it did make the selection quite easy.

In true Walmart fashion, we waited for 30 minutes in the checkout line but the cashier was too young to sell us the beer.

She had to call a manager.

We waited and waited more.

Finally I said, “you know what, don’t worry about it. Keep your beer.”

Brewery attempt #2

‘Twas a beautiful Tuesday afternoon and we needed to run to town.

Let’s swing into the brewery and see what all of the 5 star reviews were about.

Sorry, we are closed Monday and Tuesday.

Brewery attempt #3

Our day before leaving we were out and about and driving through town to fill up our tank, grab groceries, prescriptions, etc.

Let’s stop into the brewery and grab some cans to bring with us.

This time they were not only open but bustling.

There was a gentleman playing guitar in the courtyard.

“What do you have for cans?” I asked.

Their reply: “We only sell growlers (64 oz) and hobos (32 oz).”

Fail. They only last a few days once poured. We will not be bringing any back to Florida for friends.

She offered me some free samples so I graciously accepted (it would have been rude not to). Then purchased a sticker and 2 hobos, and went about my way.

The moral of the story

The moral of the story is to buy your beer before you get to New Mexico.