New Mexico: New home for the week

We finally exited the state of Texas.

I know people are marveled by Florida weather but I am equally in awe about this region of the country.

In a single days drive we went from blistering hot desert, to dust tornadoes, to wind gusts, to rain, to snow, to sunshine.


However, we arrived at our new destination New Mexico.

Homeland Security

Once we left El Paso and headed north, we came up to a permanent structure every vehicle had to drive through with armed law enforcement around and cameras everywhere.

The cars were marked “Homeland Security.”

Kristi’s stomach sank and she asked me, “we are not heading into Mexico are we? Did you make a wrong turn?”

So I asked the guard the same: “we wanted to head to New Mexico, not Mexico. This is north right?”

Stone faced he replied: “No. You are heading into Mexico.”

I guess we aren’t the first to ask that question.

What a good sport to play along with my little game (and give Kristi a heart attack). She had slept much of this drive so she really thought I had fumbled directions.


We arrived at a small but very well maintained campground off the main road.

As I mentioned in a previous post, most were booked up in the area due to spring break. However, we really lucked out with this one.

Not only is it beautifully situated at the foothills of the mountains, but also has this red rock cliffs just behind the property off the trail.

And it was part of one of our memberships so we saved 50% most nights.

Double score.

View of Frank the Tank (name of truck, not mountains)

Then I noticed something…is that a mirage? Nope, it is totally a bike trail to a canyon!

It really dig canyons (pun not intended).

I think it is that “want what you don’t have” mentality.

Like the girl who has straight hair but wants curly hair, or blond hair but wants to be brunette.

I live it flat, wetlands so I want dry rocky lands. They speak to my soul.

I feel like we just won the lottery with our campground.

This is how I felt on the inside:

Here was the sunset that night if you don’t believe me.

the reward for a long drive.
Just to the left, you’ll notice snow capped Sierra Blanca. We arrived just before the snow melted (next day).
Canyon with Snow Cap in back.
Brayden wanted a bike shot.